Monday, July 30, 2007

Satellite Imaging

Don't let that HDTV go to waste - look at this satellite imaging offer!:
By Emily Lakdawalla. Borup Fiord Pass Field Report: Clouds still stymie satellite imaging. Jul. 6, 2006 | 15:46 PDT | 22 ... The USGS EO-1 satellite acquired a swath of multispectral image data across Borup Fiord Pass on July 1, 2006, at the ... Too bad! They will try again for two more satellite passes, but both will fall after the crew has left the field (which ... sent me a thumbnail image representing the second attempt of the EO-1 satellite to acquire a multispectral image across ...
Mapping coastal aquaculture and fisheries structures by satellite imaging radar: Case study of the Lingayen Gulf, the Philippines, Abstract,Sustainable Development Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO

Satellite Images QuickBird, IKONOS, LANDSAT Satellite Imaging CorpGallery of high resolution satellite images taken all over the world. Satellite image samples include aerial photos from Landsat, Ikonos, Spot, QuickBird satellite sensors digital elevation models, and GIS.

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